Sunday, September 06, 2009

To boldly surf where no browser has surfed before...

My phone at home is a Gigaset C475IP from Siemens. It's a VoIP phone and is normally configured using a web interface.
But whenever I accessed the web interface I encountered display errors like some images are not displayed and javascript is missing. Most of the times the received pages are not working correctly which was annoying because the best options of the phone can be set by the web interface only.
I tried Firefox (3.5.2) and Internet Explorer 8.0 (with and without compatibility mode) but the results were always the same... an unuseable web interface.

Today I tried Apples Safari browser. I downloaded Safari from thindownload where you can get a special version that needs no installation. It doesn't even change any system settings because it is wrapped in code to simulate a Windows around it (you better have a look at VMwares ThinApp webpage for the details).
But when I used Safari on the web interface I was totally surprised to see that it worked. All pages could be rendered correctly and finally I could start configuring my VoIP phone completely. Why can this browser render the pages and the "best and most used browsers of the world" cannot???